I see the beauty in everything around me and I want to point it out for all to see. I like the simplicity and beauty in the details of nature. I also like to take night time photographs where I paint with light. It puts me in the picture with my movements. I call them my “Happy Surprises”.

My Story


All my life I’ve been creative. I loved to draw but never knew what to draw. I always asked people what I should draw. That is why I chose the commercial side of art rather than the fine art side. I did illustration and graphic design for other people, not for myself. Until I discovered photography. That I do for myself, and it turns out that other people like what I do. It’s the little details that I like to show, the things that others don’t see. I don’t really consider myself to be a photographer, I don’t care for the technical side of it, and couldn’t tell you what aperture I used. I am an artist who plays with a camera. I had used cameras before, but when I got my pink Sony Cybershot camera, it opened up my world! It sees the world the way I see it. I love playing with the different settings to see the images I can get. The first night I found my bliss, I was trying to take a picture of the CN Tower with the lights on it. The shot didn’t come out clearly but it was cool! So I spent the next hour walking around harbourfront playing with the camera and got some really cool shots! That was the beginning. It has inspired me.

Now I don’t have to ask what to draw, paint or photograph, the world is exposing it to me. Every picture is a surprise and it inspires me to play with it. I find nature fascinating, all the beautiful colours and shapes. I like to get in close and intimate with the flowers and explore how the light hits the shapes. It seems that nature responds to my attention by rewarding me with beautiful images. I never know how my pictures will turn out, it is like a gift when I open them up on my computer and see some good shots. I hope you enjoy my photos and seeing how the world looks to me.